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صحيفة الجماهير /  Aljamahiria.org :::  Aljamahiria - HILLARY & BERNARD The Jew and Libya (via FaceBook Connection) / أخبار عربية.


Global Public Alert - (Unite Yourself Together)
HILLARY & BERNARD The Jew and Libya



Following the recent events in Libya, Hillary Clinton http://times247.com/articles/clinton-confounded-by-libya-s-violence
was quoted saying “how can this happen in a country we help liberate, in a city [Benghazi] we helped save from destruction?”

I guess that the American Foreign Secretary should address this question to Bernard-Henri Levy - the architect behind that interventionist war.

Apparently, a few months ago, at a convention organised by the notoriously right wing French Zionist Council of Jewish Organizations (CRIF), Bernard-Henri Levy announced http://extremeprejudiceusa.wordpress.com/2011/11/24/bernard-henri-levy-would-not-have-gone-to-libya-he-he-not-been-jewish/
“it is as a Jew“ that I “participated in the political adventure in Libya”, no kidding. “I would not have done it if I had not been Jewish,” added the immoral interventionist.

I guess that after more than a decade of Zio-centric global conflicts causing carnage and destruction to tens of millions of people around the world, we are too used to seeing a Zionist at the centre of every man-made disaster.

I have made myself a rule. Whenever I hear a person speak in the name of ‘Jewish values’ or ‘as a Jew’, I immediately seek cover. I suggest you do the same…

Bernard-Henri Lévy v. Abdel al-Bari Atwan on Libya intervention

The Poison of Bernard Henry Levy

Nothing against the normal jewish people....but people your religion has been hijacked by a group of criminals posing as peacekeepers......be warned...
*- original source: http://youtu.be/9nPTZYSuCu0

Libya S.O.S.: BERNARD-HENRI LÉVY or BHL French members of the Israeli lobby [I]

BERNARD-HENRI LÉVY or BHL, French members of the Israeli lobby [I]

WHO IS Bernard Henry Levi?

Bernard-Henri Levy: Turning to Syria

REUPLOAD: Zionist Conspiracy on Libya (Sarkozy, Bernard Henri Levy, Klarsfeld (siehe Beschreibung))

Bernard Henry LEVY, le chef spirituel, commandant, philosophe des rebelles libyens.
Non, vous ne rêvez pas, c'est bien BHL...
Mais sur quel monde vit-on ???

Who is Gog and Magog?

ماشاء الله عليهم ....مسلمين .....لعنة الله على من ولاهم ..لوكانو يحمون المدنيين لدافعو عنهم فى العراق وفى فلسطين
لاكن طالما هناك جردان على وجه الارض فالنصرلهم لامحاله..

هذا الخائن الجالس بجانب اليهودى ليفى هو حسن الدروعى من سكان مدينة سرت, تخرج من جامعة التحدى وخرج على حساب المجتمع لأكمال دراسته فى فرنسا وكان يرافق شباب سرت فى فرنسا, وبعد عدم تحصله على أمين أتحاد الطلبة فى فرنسا قبل شهور من هذه الفورة اللعينة وما أن جاءت الفورة كان هو من أوائل الكلاب اللي خانت وباعت وباع أهله فى سرت وذهب مع برنارد ليفى ليفنى الغازى وكان يشتغل كمترجم له. وبعد طرد السفير الليبى من فرنسا, قام جرذان الشرق بتقسيم مقاعد السفارة الليبية هناك ولم يتحصل هذا العميل حتى وظيفة عشاش على باب السفارة استخدموه وقعد كلب لان هذا مصير اللي يبيع هله وناسه وبلاده واللي مافيه خير لاهله مافيه خير لحد, وبعد ذلك لكى يزيد من اهتمام مجلس النذاله به قام بربط جرذان سرت بالناتو كـ عبدالسلام بالحاج وأخوته"على وعبدالله" وعجاج سكر وأبناء زرقون ومزاريط سرت اليهود وبعض كلاب القاعدة كـ على العمارى والصفرانى وعلى الكيوى وأبناء حريبة. والكلب مخلوف الناصري
ولقد تبرأ منه أهله منذ بداية الأحداث وأتصل خاله وأبوه بالدكتور حمزة التهامى وكان أخوته يجاهدون فى الجبهات. وتم هدر دمه من قبيلته.
فى المقعد الأمامىالخائن المقبور عبدالفتاح يونس والعميل مصطفى الزاقزلى. والحساب ماعادش بعيد لكل خاين فرخ حرام باع بلده

Conspiracy on Libya! {with Bernard Levi}

Conspiracy on Libya المؤامرة على ليبي {with Bernard Levi}

Bernard Levy said that it was him who convince Sarkozy to begin preparing for a war against Libya!
He repeatedly visited Benghazi and arranged for the rebels to meet in Paris to discuss the future shape of Libya.
Levy has a habit of turning up in every major trouble spot in the world! He has been directly involved in major trouble spots and in contact with the main players in these countries.
This behavior is unusual for a person who sees himself as an intellectual rather than a troublemaker.
In this video we will explore Bernard Henri Levy's interventions through images showing his presence and involvement in the trouble spots.
Isn't it surprising that countries like Bosnia and Sudan where he was active are now partitioned and its people divided?
Doesn't this prove that the intent is to divide Libya between east and west?
We will also explore the special relation Levy has with the Zionist state of Israel and we will also look at Nicola Sarkosy's Jewish roots.
Don't forget and this in Bernard Henry Levy crimes series:
Libya Whos behind Sarkozy?
Many talk about that Sarkozy is going to be prosecuted but what about the man behind Sarkozy? Will he be allowed to run free and help terrorists in Algeria and Syria?

ثوار الناتو ينقسمون حول المبادرة الإفريقية ويدلون بتصريحات متناقضة
الاحد 3 تموز (يوليو) 2011

أدلى ثوار الناتو يوم السبت بتصريحات متضاربة حول موقفهم من المبادرة الإفريقية لحل الأزمة الليبية، فقد نقلت وكالة أنباء ارويترز عن ممثل المجلس الانتقامي في باريس قوله إن المجلس يقبل المبادرة الإفريقية ويفسرها على أنها تلبي معظم شروطه التفاوضية..

بعد ساعات من إذاعة هذا التصريح ظهر المتحدث باسم المجلس في بنغازي على القنوات الفضائية ليلعن أن المجلس لا يقبل المبادرة، وذهب ابعد من ذك حين قال إن الافارقة غير مؤهلين لطرح أي مبادرة..
التصريحات المتضادة تعكس عمق الهوة بين ما يسمى المعارضة الليبية، وهي هوة تتسع يوما بعد آخر، خاصة مع تكشف حقائق جديدة في وسائل الإعلام العالمي عن لجوء بعض المعارضين إلى التفاوض سرا مع طرابلس دون إشعار زملائهم، وهو ما زرع بذور الشك والريبة في نفوس بعضهم تجاه البعض الآخر..
وسبق لما يسمى الجبهة الوطنية لإنقاذ ليبيا أن بعثت برسالة إلى عبد الجليل تؤكد له فيها إجبارية المرور بها قبل الإدلاء بأي تصريح آخذة عليه تعدد الناطقين باسم المجلس وعدم التنسيق فيما بينهم..
ويذهب عدد من المراقبين إلى القول إن أيام المجلس باتت معدودة خاصة وأن الحلف الأطلسي بدأ ينفض يديه من اللعبة بعد ثلاثة أشهر لم يتحقق فيها شيئ على الأرض..
ويقول دبلوماسيون غربيون إن المعارضة الليبية خدعتهم حين قالت لهم إن لديها رجالا في الدائرة الضيقة حول القائد، وأنهم سيتحركون بمجرد سقوط أول صاروخ على طرابلس، وهو تأكد زيفه لاحقا إذ أفضت العمليات الجوية إلى نتائج عكسية وزادت من اللحمة الوطنية حول القائد الذي ينظر إليه الليبيون على أنه رمز وطني وقائد من النوع النادر جدا..

الدليل الموريتاني

ها ها ها ها هادي اخرتها.

Libyan Egaغرفة اسود الراية الخضراء
زيدو كبرو وخودو ساتر .... الفلوس رح تنتهي ... ودعاية عصر الحرية رح تبان وتشديق الديمقراطية سراب تحلمو بيه.

لو في 1 من المليون من المليار من المية في انسان ايقول لا الله الا الله وأن محمد رسول الله وقف بجنب اليهود والنصري وساندهم ولو بكلمة يقول انا انسان مايدير لداروه ناس العار والفضائح.

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل.
اللهم لا تاخدنا بما فعل السفها بينا.

Redstar Leroye >> Global Public Alert - (Unite Yourself Together)
Bernard Henry LEVY is now Libyan !!
He was naturalized Libyan by the Rebels of Misrata to thank him for his collaboration and commitment in influencing Nicolas SARKOZY to trigger off the military intervention in Libya.
Bernard Henry LEVY es...See More
Bernard Henry LEVY est libyen.

Il a été naturalisé libyen par les rebelles de Misrata pour le remercier de sa collaboration et de son engagement d'avoir fais influence sur Nicolas SARKOZY pour qu'il intervienne en Libye.

WARNING !!! The World Jewish Mafia is preparing to occupy the second country and kill hundreds of thousands of Libyans !!!

Jewish arrogance will never cease to harass the world, especially Muslims!

I am convinced that soon we will want in Egypt to return hundreds of thousands of Jews, because ...
... 3-4 thousand years before the Egyptian Pharaoh cast them out (now in Egypt Zionist puppet military junta - is seeking civilian puppets!)

In Libya, thousands of mysterious Jews want to return and obtain redress for that mysteriously been banned!?
1) Is there evidence that the Jews were expelled to Libya ... or are you going alone?
2) Is there evidence of just how much are these Jews?
3) Are there any Jewish evidence that he or his relatives have property in Libya?
4) Is there ever expelled or left the Jews of Libya?
5) The Jewish community will give you the compensations (hundreds of billions)

Do all the Libyan people for murder, destruction of NATO and its terrorists and will return the full amount + redress robbed Libyan sovereign Jewish assets in monetary institutions (the reasons are - World Jewish Mafia (lobby) plan, perform and continue - genocide, ethnic cleansing, terrorism, colonization with the usual Jewish settlements and privatization of resources !!!

Throughout the genocide and destruction in Libya's sovereign began with a lie - "thousands of peaceful protesters bombarded the Libyan aviation", this historical lie constantly announced in the Zionist "media" (CNN, SKY, BBC, FOX, FRANCE 24, AL JAZEERA .. ....) and Zionist organizations such as false - "Human Rights Watch" and "Amnesty International" and "ICC" and all these parasitic and terrorist organizations and the media are owned or funded by the Jewish lobby !!! ....

... But someone must pay "bill" and "someone" must be judged on historical trial for genocide and ethnic cleansing, destruction and robbery of a peaceful, prosperous and beautiful country - Libya !?!

Required Libyan people should seek (and to take) hundreds of billions of redress from the Jewish community because -
1) just the Jewish community planning, orchestration and ignite war in Libya, which all begin with false reports and propaganda in the Jewish media (CNN, SKY , BBC, FOX, FRANCE 24, AL JAZEERA ......)!
2) Just as the Jews caused the war and that Sarkozy parasite - Bernard Levy!
3) That the Jews in the Jewish monetary authorities arrested, Eastern and plundered billions of Libyan assets that are owned by the Libyan people!
4) That the Jewish lobby done and continues to do so - pressure on governments, politicians and all organizations working on behalf of the Board of rats and rats!
5) Just Jewish drone missile commit terrorist attacks against the Libyan people (not to wonder what these pilots and their conscience to carry out this genocide - read "Talmud" and you'll understand why)
6) On the Jews and the Jewish lobby ran illegal TVsovereign in Libya (Benghazi) without the permission of the legitimate government and the Libyan people and deliberately drowned broadcast Libyan state television!? This means that the insurgency (with Libyan nationality) fought and killed the Libyan brothers and sisters, because they lied that the Libyan army carried out mass killings and rapes and that most cities were "liberated" by the "revolutionaries" and that there waiting for them with open hearts!
7) The Jewish lobby and Jewish politicians exert pressure in the U.S. to steal Libyan assets and to support the extermination, robbery and destruction of the Libyan people, sovereignty, infrastructure and state!
8) The Jewish Lobby performed worldwide pressure on governments and politicians to support a false and illegal resolutions in Libya (the UN) and talk shit about Gaddafi ... "" Mode ""!
9) Jewish terrorist organization - Mossad arms and helped al-Qaeda (CIA + Mossad + M6) and the Libyan terrorists to kill, torture, kidnapping, rape and threaten Libyans!
10) The World Jewish Mafia war on fire in order not to violate Jewish world monetary monopoly of Gaddafi's plans to establish an African Monetary Fund IMF and expelling terrorist! World Jewish Mafia and Jewish lobby (same) support the ethnic cleansing of blacks in Libya and genocide against the entire Libyan people to be able to reduce the population of the Libyans on behalf of Jewish settlers (with the lie that lived in Libya or relatives the Jews "expelled" from Libya ...... usual lies and dirt of the Zionists), because Libya has everything that a nation wants - energy, water ... everything needed to create a second Jewish state - second Palestine!
11) false Jewish organizations - owned by Jews and financed by Jews set fire to maintain and continue to backfire through the lies, manipulations and false reports to all their impertinence with the Libyan army accused of crimes against humanity and pass when the crimes of terrorists NATO - as "crimes committed by the Libyan army and militia ... Gaddafi (" mode ")! We carcasses Libyans killed by NATO and its terrorists are transferred to the victims of Gaddafi ..." mode "!? Jewish question organization or organizations created and funded by the Jewish mafia is as follows - "Amnesty International" and "Human Rights Watch" (most popular) - owned by Jewish terrorist financing George Soros and the so-called - "ICC"!
12) huge pressure from world Jewish Mafia - UN and Council of "security" vote "resolution" of the final decision - Libyan Q and of course - a change of the constitution and the UN Charter, international law and the Geneva Convention!!

According to this amendment (if done) from now on, foreign governments can be elected and appointed government, politicians and political systems in foreign "sovereign" countries! reason for this latest perversion of the Council of "security" and when the UN appointed government of Libya (rejected by the Libyan people) and which"Government is composed of foreigners, Jews lied that lived in Libya, a proven leader of a terrorist organization, Libyan traitors and former employees of the Libyan government (or through bribery or threats) and Libyan criminals!

As the United Nations with all its arrogance under pressure from Jewish Mafia gave full permission of the false "Libyan government to" kill, kidnapping, raping, torturing, and executing each threatens a Libyan terrorist government rejects al-Qaeda, NATO, foreigners, criminals and Libyan Jewish Mafia !!!

Indeed, who knows tricks and impudence of those Jewish communities (followers of the Talmud)! An example is the criminal acquisition of double, triple + citizenship throughpressure from the Jewish Mafia and use their weapons - the "anti-Semitism!" For Israeli passports everyone knows! Jewslove to pretend always the most "tortured", "mostdisadvantaged", "most persecuted" ..... A "poor"!

They love tocome to foreign countries and finds that it is their relatives who lived there before 50 ... 100 or 200 years ago and immediatelyscream that his heirs and want passports for them, their children,their cousins ... and their pets (often redress from the State for thefictional "repression" than their relatives)! In this way many Jewshave several passport! It is possible that soon Jewish scientist to discover that Jews come from the planet Mars and claimownership of Mars and Martians reparations that have driven them from "their home" place! ((((!!!..........................................

Democracy ?

Zionist European Union, USA, Israel and their false "media and organizations" - just not allowed to use such a word "democracy" "freedom," "human rights and freedoms", "free media" and "freedom of political orientation " !!!

Example of what happens in Bulgaria! - Scenarios conducted by the World Jewish mafia is the same! Example of what happens in my country Bulgaria after the introduction of "democracy"!

Suddenly there were thousands of Jews claiming to be expelled after World War II came to power by the communist government?

Actually that's a lie! Indeed, the communist government made nationalization, but Jews no one pursued them, just some decide to leave voluntarily by selling their properties in Bulgarian families and other property Bulgarian government gave compensation to Jewish owners - how fair is it not already know. ...

But something has happened more than 60 years!

During this time these properties were repaired and maintained by the Bulgarian families and they are grown for 2-3 generations of Bulgarian families! (By this logic, the Jews can claim compensation from the Egyptian people that thousands of years ago Jewish slaves worked on the pyramids andthey had not been provided then the care deserved!)

Under pressure from the World Jewish Mafia "Bulgarian" puppet government Bulgarian families expelled from their homes and give them the mysterious Jewish heirs - repaired and maintained by Bulgarian citizens decades, "Bulgarian" Court even does not respect the documents presented by the Bulgarians, that these properties were bought with money from their moms and dads (or grandparents) and those Jewish heirs can not claim for restitution!This "little problem" was solved by a puppet "Bulgarian Parliament" by law for mandatory restitution to Jewish heirs who earn a "victim" and that their relatives in the past have received less money under threat!

So one way or another, all Jews were given their property and Bulgarian families hit the street on which they were given some junk - pieces of paper (called - compensatory vouchers) that not only were tens of times less value than those taken Jews of their property, but subsequently deliberately devalued by the Jewish mafia, which of course already had all the financial institutions in Bulgaria!

So far, this Bulgarian families litigate in Bulgarian and European courts without any result, of course! By the way thanks to the Jewish Mafia and many state properties and agricultural lands were "returned" to the Jews - not even own or produce documents and evidence to claim ownership of ...

... were spent again they or their relatives in the past - "victims of repression" by ... Ahhh "poor" - the communist regime !!!

WARNING !!! - UN and Council of "security" (the weapon of the Zionists) started a new Jewish occupation of the next sovereign state and its people -Libya!

Of course, again accompanied with genocide, destruction,humiliation and systematic extermination of the Libyan people(make them kill each - other and separate NATO and al-Qaeda (Mossad) further helps to reduce the population of the Libyan population!

Suddenly, that "someone "in the past been banished 37,000 Jews and mysterious" was taken away "their property" !?! Of course these "harassment" and mysterious Jews "had become"has 200,000,000 !?!

This means that hundreds of thousands of Libyans will be destroyed and hundreds of thousands of Libyan families will be displaced and their homes will be seized by the Jewish dirt (a fictitious reason that these were their homes and taken from the Libyans)! separate Jewish army and paid terrorists would deliberately kill and harass Libyan people for the simples treason to reduce his population, while others migrate !!!

Certainly hundreds of billions that are owned by the Libyan peopleand arrested (robbed) of Jewish monetary institutions will beforfeited in favor of the new Jewish state - Libya's Jewish! ...

... These dirty and sneaky Jews always pretend to be violated most of the planet and the world suffers most because of them! And now brazenly reclaim some mysterious "Jewish property" in Libya ... !?

Jews want something from Libya?

OK - then we must speak the truth (without bypassing) - Libya's Jews ask

1) restoration of property destroyed by a Libyan terrorist Zionist Alliance!
2) redress from the Jewish community for complicity in genocide in Libya (UN Jewish pressure, "media" fake organizations "human rights" Jewish terrorism (by Mossad) and many leading Jewish evil lies, illegal war, genocide, ethnic cleansing of blacks, robbery Libyan sovereign assets of Jewish financial institutions ....!
3) Complete recovery of stolen Jewish institutions Libyan assets!
4) Court for the Jewish people made war in Libya - the instigators of war, the Jewish "media" false Jewish organizations (to know), Jewish agents (such as Bernard Levy), Jewish lobbies - like McCain and other parasites and the global war mongers!

After the war in Libya, no longer to ask stupid questions - why people hate Jews ...
...Perhaps it is true thatall wars are for Jews !?!

(If a Jew is insulted ... I recommend him to address his countrymen to criticism)


The Truth about Israel - Zionism & Oil
<<|| — with Syarif Hidayat, Blanca Lembo, Elena A. Stamenkov, Kareltje Van de Tuin, Miralem Campara, Metin Gülbahar, Funda Kansu, Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Rictv Newsagency Rictvagencia Noticias, Konstantin Scheglikov, Wilmer Enrique Agüero, Christof Lehmann, John Reed, Omar Sharif, Anthony F. Angelic, Ana Martinovic, Hassan Omar, Williams Ribeiro de Farias, Niakoi Niakakav, Carline Seiser, Ironsides xx, Jazira Chuibekova, Caty Cat, Che Bavaria, Marco Cataldi, Christella Bernardene Krebs, Md Sadiq, Ana Tsivdari, Ursula Riches, Salome Davidson, Hans Cany, Tatjana Dimitrijevic, Wissem Typhoon and Dejan Malićanin.

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